16 year old Australian Cattle Dog
16 year old Australian Cattle Dog with episodes of collapse. What are your differential diagnoses? Access all images and case information.
View Article10 year DSH cat
Today’s case is a 10 year old male neutered domestic short haired cat. He has had anorexia and front limb lameness of 1 month’s duration. Access all images and case information. Case originally...
View Article12 year old Australian Shepherd
Today’s case is a 12 year old female neutered Australian Shepherd with lethargy, anorexia, panting, and coughing. Access all images and case information. Case originally posted on October 11, 2007.
View Article3 month old French Bulldog
Today’s case is a 3 month old French Bulldog with 2-day history of respiratory distress and vomiting. Access all images and case information. Case originally posted on January 4, 2008
View Article12 year old Doberman
Today’s case is 12 year old Doberman Pinscher with a cough. See what you think and write your interpretation in the comments section. Access all images and case information. Case originally...
View Article4 year old Afghan Hound
Today’s case is a 4 year old female Afghan Hound with dyspnea. Post your interpretations! Access all images and case information. Case original posted on March 6, 2008
View Article10 year old Bernese Mountain Dog
This is a great case of breed-related disease. Post your interpretations in the comments section. Access all images and case information. Case originally posted on June 12, 2008
View Article4 year old Labrador Retriever
Today’s case is a 4 year old Labrador Retriever with a complicated history of heat stroke and pneumonia diagnosed 1 week ago and respiratory distress and pyothorax with pneumothorax diagnosed...
View Article9 year old Bernese Mountain Dog
Today’s case is a 9 year old Bernese Mountain Dog that is coughing and has a decreased appetite. Access all images and case information. Case originally posted on July 9, 2007
View Article11 year old Golden Retriever with vomiting and coughing
Today’s case is an 11 year old Golden Retriever with vomiting and coughing for three weeks. Access all images and case information. Â Case originally posted on August 9, 2007
View Article3 year old Yorkshire Terrier
This week’s case is a 3 year old female neutered Yorkshire Terrier with 1 week history of lethargy, dyspnea, and decreased appetite. The second set of radiographs was taken two weeks post-treatment....
View Article17 year old Domestic Shorthair
17 year old female neutered Domestic Shorthair cat with decreased appetite and weight loss. Access all images and case information.
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